Makoto Katoh1,2, Kensuke Egashira2 and Akira Takeshita2
1DiscoveryÊResearch Laboratory, Tanabe Seiyaku Co., Ltd.,
2-2-50, Kawagishi, Toda, Saitama 335-8505, Japan
2TheÊDepartment of Cardiovascular Medicine, Kyushu University
Faculty of Medicine, 3-3-1, Maidashi, Higashi-ku, Fukuoka 812-8582, Japan
Abstract: We studied the effect of chronic (7Êdays) angiotensinÊII
infusion in a subpressor (200Êng/kg per minute) dose on angiotensinÊII receptors
in the left ventricle in rats. Infusion of angiotensinÊII caused an elevation
in systolic blood pressure after 3Êdays, usually to values of about 150ÊmmHg,
and the increase continued during the drug administration. The number of
angiotensinÊII typeÊ1 and angiotensinÊII typeÊ2 receptors was significantly
decreased by 20-30% in the angiotensinÊII-infused left ventricular membranes
without affecting the affinity. Thus, these data suggest that angiotensinÊII
may regulate the number of its own receptors in rat left ventricles.
Keywords: AngiotensinÊII, Angiotensin receptor, Rat left ventricle
Copyright© The Japanese Pharmacological Society 2000
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