Shinjiro Kobayashi (1), Mizuki Fukuta (1), Hitoshi Kontani (1), Sumino
Yanagita (2) and Ikuko Kimura (2)
(1) Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Hokuriku
University, 3-Ho Kanagawa-machi, Kanazawa 920-1181, Japan
(2) Department of Chemical Pharmacology, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences,
Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University, 2630 Sugitani, Toyama 930-0194,
Abstract: Angiogenesis of cultured choroids was quantitatively
assayed in spontaneously diabetic GK and a bolus-treated streptozotocin
(STZ)-diabetic Wistar rats. The number and total length of microvessels
budded from cultured choroidal explants were measured to use as angiogenic
indices. Both indices in 10-week-old Wistar rats were increased in parallel
by 5% fetal bovine serum (FBS) from days 2 to 7 in culture. These indices
in STZ-rats (10 weeks of age) were increased by 5% FBS to a greater extent
than those in age-matched normal rats. These enhanced actions of FBS were
concentration-dependent. The explants of 16-week-old GK rats also increased
these indices to a greater extent than those of age-matched Wistar rats.
Aging to 18 weeks of age also increased choroidal angiogenesis in the normal
rats. In conclusion, the assay model of choroidal angiogenesis was established
by determining the number and length of microvessels in cultured choroidal
explants. The diabetic states of STZ-Wistar and GK rats enhanced FBS-induced
choroidal angiogenesis. This assay model is useful for determining angiogenic
activity of growth factors and effective drugs in diabetic choroidopathy
and retinopathy.
Keywords: In vitro assay for angiogenesis, Choroidal angiogenesis, Streptozotocin-diabetic
rat, Diabetic GK rat