Atsushi Sugiyama, Shunji Takehana and Keitaro Hashimoto
Department of Pharmacology, Yamanashi Medical University, Tamaho-cho,
Nakakoma-gun, Yamanashi 409-3898, Japan
Abstract: A new portable-type laser blood flowmeter was recently
developed for measuring the blood
flow in vessels. The sensitivity and specificity of the laser flowmeter
was assessed in comparison with the well-established electromagnetic flowmeter
using a canine isolated, blood-perfused ventricular tissue preparation.
The laser flowmeter can record the phasic pattern of the coronary blood
flow like the electromagnetic flowmeter. The extent of the changes after
intracoronary administration of ACh and angiotensin II as well as coronary
occlusion was almost identical between these two methods. These results
suggest that the new laser flowmeter may possess potential utilities in
both basic experimental and clinical practices.
Keywords: Portable-type laser blood flowmeter, Electromagnetic flowmeter,
Phasic coronary blood flow