O1B1-1-2 | 崎元 伸哉(京都大院・薬・生体機能解析) TRPM2 channel contributes to the progression of ischemic brain injury in mice |
O1B1-1-5 | 片山 貴博(北海道大・薬・薬理) Mesenchymal stem cells transmigrate across the blood-brain barrier through transiently formed interendothelial gaps |
O1B2-1-2 | 有吉 哲郎(東京大院・医・神経生物学) Development of a glutamate imaging technique with a single synapse resolution in brain slices |
O1B1-2-3 | 原田 龍一(東北大・医・薬理) [18F]THK- 523 for In vivo imaging of Tau pathology in Alzheimer’s disease |
O1B2-2-5 | 橋川 浩一(東京大院・薬・薬品作用) Interference of two distinct associative memories |
O1B1-4-1 | 繁冨 英治(カリフォルニア大・ロサンゼルス校・医・生理) TRPA1 channel-mediated microdomains contribute to resting calcium levels in astrocytes |
O1B1-5-5 | 天野 大樹(ラトガース大・分子行動神経科学センター) The role of basolateral and basomedial nucleus of amygdala in the fear expression and extinction learning |
O1C1-4-5 | 山崎 大樹(京都大院・薬・生体分子認識) TRIC- A channels regulate blood pressure in vascular smooth muscle |
O1C1-5-2 | 垣野 明美(国立循環器病センター・研・血管生理) Identifi cation of Del-1 as an endogenous oxidized LDL inhibitor |
O1C1-1-5 | 清水 孝洋(高知大・医・薬理) Bidirectional roles of brain 2-arachidonoylglycerol in bombesin-induced activation of central sympatho-adrenomedullary outfl ow in rats |
O1C2-1-2 | 張 嘉(京都府立医大院・医・病態分子薬理) A novel role for hepatocyte NOX1/NADPH oxidase in palmitate-induced apoptosis and insulin resistance |
O1C1-2-5 | 東 信太朗(大阪大院・薬・神経薬理) HPGB, an inhibitor for mitochondrial fusion, promotes mitophagy |
O1C2-2-2 | 更級 葉菜(東京大・農・獣医薬理) PGD2 has opposing roles in the development of dermatitis |
O1C1-3-2 | 馮 曉敏(福島県立医大・医・薬理) FOS induction by emetine via p38 MAPK and RNA- binding protein HuR in human granulocytes |
O1C2-3-4 | 米澤 淳(京都大・医・病院薬剤部) Metformin- induced lactic acidosis in Mate1 knockout mice |
O1B2-4-1 | 高畑 佳史(金沢大・薬・薬物学) ERK5 regulates osteoblast differentiation but not osteoclast differentiation |
O1B2-5-3 | 北田 研人(香川大・医・薬理) p21 is central regulator for the development of cell senescence in diabetic proximal tubules |