The Japanese Pharmacological Society

What's New

Congratulatory Message


Good afternoon, everyone!
I’m Naohiko Anzai from Chiba University, Japan.
I’m a representative of Japanese participants and co-organizer of this 23rd Korea Japan Joint Seminar on Pharmacology.

At first. I’d like to thank all organizers of this meeting, all friends of Korea, Professor Nam, and particularly my old friend, Professor InKyeom Kim, Korean representative of this meeting and Korean Society of Pharmacology, for providing this occasion to see friends’ faces, progress of pharmacology, and discuss about the science, although it’s on line.

Actually, I participated this meeting four times. The first time is in 2002 at Tokyo. I served as secretary general of this meeting. Then Fukui 2006, Kagoshima 2010, Osaka 2019. And this year, I wanted to go to Daegu, but unfortunately, again in Japan and cannot go to Korea! It’s a pity for me.

As you know, between Korea and Japan, unfortunately, there’s always some political frictions. But at the same time, we, pharmacologists in two countries, have established a long term relationship of trust and friendship for about 40 years since 1982, the first meeting of this Korea Japan Joint Seminar on Pharmacology in Pusan. So I’m proud of this long history of KJJSP and believe the importance of this meeting for the future of two countries.

Next year, December 2022, I will organize 96th Annual Meeting of Japanese Pharmacological Society at Yokohama as a chairman. And I will organize next meeting of KJJSP, 24th Japan Korea Joint Seminar on Pharmacology as one of the session of 96th Annual Meeting of JPS. 24th JKJSP at Yokohama next year will be memorable events for 40th anniversary of this meeting. I’m very happy to be the congress chairman of 24th JKJSP. I’m planning to hold 96th Annual Meeting face-to-face. So please come to Yokohama, and join and enjoy our meeting next year.

Finally, I congratulate to 23rd KJJSP and again would like to extend my sincere thanks to Professor Nam, Professor Kim and all the members of organizing committee.

Thank you for your attention.

←「第23回韓日薬理学合同セミナー(23rd KJJSP)の開催報告」へ戻る

